The South Carolina heat and humidity has arrived! Thank goodness we are close to the beach. We wanted to update you on what is going on in Myrtle Beach.
Recently, the Wellspring staff was able to get away and plan for the year. This Summer and Fall should be an exciting time at Wellspring! There are many things that we are planning to do to reach out to the community. As we get closer we will post details and ways you can pray.
One thing we would ask for you to pray for is an event we are doing called Movies at the Park. We are going to reserve a park in a popular shopping area and provide a family movie twice this Fall. Please pray for the planning and details of that event. This will provide a great opportunity for us to get our name out and invite hundreds to Wellspring.
We look forward to sharing with you many other things that we are doing at Wellspring!
On the job front, Eric was able to pass his Real Estate class! This week he will be taking his state Real Estate test. Please pray for him as he takes the test.
Thanks for your continued support!